Friday 14th May, Port Denarau – I woke up early and when Tony stirred we got dressed and went to the front to watch the sunrise. I was very picturesque but Room service was bringing us a cuppa at 7 am so back we went. Breakfast meet up was early today as we had to assemble for our tour at 8.45 am we took the sailboat tour to a little island to do some snorkelling. It was a day of boats today, ship to shore by catamaran, then tall ship to island, tinnie to shore, glass-bottom boat at island and tender back to ship.
Now let me tell you about the island day. The locals refer to this island as Mystery Island. Naz, Tony & I beat Lyn ashore and did not wait for her. She had not moved fast enough when we started to board the tinnie so had to take the next one which was the glass-bottom boat so she got a look at the coral before landing. We got our gear on and waded out, the reef shoes I told Lyn she needed, were our most useful tool for the day, as dead coral is real sharp. Tony coached Naz who had never snorkelled before and soon we were looking at a sea wonderland. Naz and I had our moments of panic but Tony was close by to assist. Lyn finally joined us and was so disappointed she had spent the time on the glass bottom boat because she could see so much more using her snorkel.
Lunch was served so we had to leave the water; Naz had gone in ahead as the coral had attacked his leg so he needed first aid. We had a lovely BBQ and salad with beer and soft drinks. We had found ourselves a seat when we discovered the Naz was still missing, so Lyn went to see where he had got to. She returned with him, and proceeded to tell us that he had lost his bottom denture in the sea. Poor Naz; 3 weeks old the teeth are (were) and he did not realize until getting the first aid. Well soon the rest of the tour knew about his problem and after lunch many came out to help in the search, but not before we all had are yearly dose of laughter. Needless to say we were not lucky enough to find them before it was time to leave our island paradise, if he had realised as soon as he had lost them our search may have been more fruitful. Good News. He had his spare set (old ones) back on board the Dawn, so no need to order mashed food for dinner. He is now famous as the story got back to many on the ship before we did.
Sunrise at Port Denarau
Our tall ship |